Wednesday, April 30, 2008


This is a long long journey.

Finally we have settled the most heavy and the last assignment.

Unforgettable how you all messed up my room, let's see..

the shoes which almost block the corridor

the laptops which cause global warming in the room

the irresplaceable supporting materials

No matter how tough the days are, i appreciate you all for accompanying me to get through the critical path, a big thank to you all~

(p/s: joey is not free to take photo that day. since we will never forget joey's presence wherever we go, we find something to represent her:D)

Thursday, April 24, 2008



Golden faith

Finally i figure out that YanYan has joined our creative activity indirectly. Let's see what YanYan signals that with this paper..

The answer for the Formulas is : Golden faith.

Saturday, April 19, 2008










Friday, April 18, 2008

FC members hidden in HB2 canteen

Never think of coming across FC members in the campus, especially the HB2 canteen...

One day, my friend wanted to order Nasi Udang but she had no idea about how the food would be like. So she asked the hawker ''Kak, nasi udang ada apa har?"

"Ada nasi." replied by the Malay woman.

"Har?? Apa?" My friend was blunt right after that.

In order to further clarify the doubts, my friend decided to ask again "Selain nasi ada apa har?"

"Udang laa."

"........................" My friend almost fainted on the spot.

Pity my friend who ended up with ordering other familiar food. Haha.

Another FC case happended today again when i dropped by there for my dinner. The story started after i placed the order. The hawker asked me "Ah moi, makan sini ar?"

Normally people will say ''makan sini'' if they want to have their meal at the place itself. So, without any hesitation i replied "Ya, makan sini."

"Har?? Kamu mau makan kat gerai ni ar?" the hawker smirked. "Bukan makan sini, makan situ la moi" He pointed to the seats at another side which is nearby the stall.

"..............................................." Suddenly i was alerted that he has purposely set me a trap. (-___-'')

p/s: FC = fai cai(cantonese), people who is humourous(perhaps) ; noun.

Only one!

I finally have myself some free time to read this comic after the tight and hectic midterm exam schedule.

The story line of the comic is about a team of volleyball female players who strive for aiming the highest honour in Japan. From a lazy and no confident team to a winner team, the girls has exerted a great deal of effort. This is actually implying the real life story moral that we will obtain whatever we want as long as we put in our effort. No pain no gain!

I had been trying very hard to find this type of comic since i joined volleyball club, hoping that it can serve as a great stimulator for every competition participated. Yes, my teamates and i really did that. Choosing a house of one of the girls to stay over night, we watched those movie which is related to volleyball and after that chitchatting for the whole night. I wonder how the spirit came on the next day but frankly it's deeply impressing to be one of their teamates. Everyone knows what to aim for. Everyone understands what is team work.

Time really flies fast, i have left them for about 6 years. How i wish i could play game with them once again, i miss those memorable memories in the volleyball court. Nevertheless, time is not returning. What i wish is difficult to realize as most of them are staying overseas now. Arrggh, I miss the time pretty much! My best teamates, i miss you all a lot!

A friend of mine popped in my dorm one day. She's so surprised when she saw the comic books being placed nicely besides those thick and boring textbooks on the bookshelf. "Don't tell me that you're still getting addicted with these comics,"she said so. Hmn, what comes to my mind that time is does anyone said adult are prohibited from reading comic? Hehe. Well, comic sometimes does make my day! We are always taught of not judging thing by its surface, so does comic book too. Sometimes, they diffuse some great meaning where we might have never thought of. Hmn, i am a comic freak, anyway. *blink*

There are two volumes for this collection. The author had done a great job. The characteristics of the leading actors were drawn lovely and most importantly, lively! Some parts of it are witty and funny too. Unforgettable the girl who was forced to wipe off her eyebow to scare the rival team to death, what a humourous idea it is!

I wonder why comics books released from past until now are seldom related to volleyball. It's really dissapointing for volleyball is actually a good sport! Author ar author, produce more volleyball related comic books laaa. Muaacksss.

Friday, April 11, 2008



在餐牌内看中“鲜虾云吞河粉”。由于只想到要吃云吞,不想吃虾,于是跟老板说只要云吞不要虾,岂料老板说: 靓女,云吞里面是虾来的。(老板一幅“你没吃过酱的云吞啊”的样子。) 0秋~ 谁懂啊?云吞通常都是放猪肉的嘛! 而且只看餐单会以为是有鲜虾和云吞的河粉啰!不过,云吞的味道还不赖,这是第一次吃到只有虾味而没有云吞味的云吞,蛮“新鲜”的。

朋友点了几盘小菜来“塞牙缝”(广东话: sip nga la) 。看到油淋淋的肥叉烧,我便问:“为什么这些叉烧那么肥的?”

