Monday, December 31, 2007

Happy new year to you

A friend told me that she just wanna a simple life everyday
B friend told me that she wanna make big money soon
C friend told me that he wanna find his Ms. Right for the coming year
D friend told me that he wanna experience excitement for every moment

Different people makes different wish

And no matter what wish we make, i believe that there's always a driver in our heart which could lead us to realize the wish, be it the love for yourself or somebody else

Just like the Michael Jackson's song - Heal the world that

"There's place in your heart,

And i know that's love,

And this place could be much more brighter than tomorrow..."


If you are caring for the living, make the little space a better place


There is no hurt or sorrow, there's always a way to get there

Happy new year to all my dear friends~ ;)

Friday, December 28, 2007

No fear factor for a new try

after trying CODO, a vietnamese restaurant at midvalley for lunch, my friends and i appreciated the credit of kampungboycitygal's food introduction and suddenly felt like hunting new food choices ourselves for dinner, we believed that we could make a right choice by using gut feeling..

this was where the FANTASY experience began...

we ended up at sweetie's chat, a corner side restaurant at 3rd level becoz of the looking-like-tasty of the food menu there..*hmpk hhmn*

One set of black pepper spaghetti was ordered..this actually tastes quite ok becoz black pepper is kinda a normal taste for least we could expect how it tastes friend made a not bad least it was better than the choice of my another friend and i -.-''

Two sets of spaghetti with rojak source were ordered..hmn, a braver new try right? *hmpk hhmnn*

Before the set of mine was delivered, my friend had his meal sufferedly..well, i have never seen him eating in that way, he seldom eat slowly and need a break while eating, he was KO for the first time!

It actually tastes not as awful as what my friend expressed, just a very NEW and UNEXPECTABLE taste, perhaps try it more often so that you will get adapt to it *hmpk hhmmn*

Several pictures were taken for reminding how we actually trying to enjoy the meal...

Mild reminder: To try on new food, a refer to the food blog could help much. :D

Friday, December 21, 2007


一天的午餐时间, 处于疲劳轰炸的我语无伦次...

同事: 帮我叫云吞清汤面

在我的脑袋里, 通常云吞面都是配搭干捞 (可能就是自己喜欢这么配搭 *不好意思*), 结果...

我 : 要什么面

同事: 都说了是云吞面...

我 : 我知道云吞面, 什么面? (一直在等他说云吞干捞面)

同事: .......................


一个朋友告诉我一个很搞笑的表白, 他不介意我把它分享出来:D

朋友甲: 嗯.....我......嗯.........想.....

女生 : 你想借钱是吧?

我的天, 真的很哭笑不得咧!



我 : 借我废纸, 要写一些废字

朋友甲: 要几废的纸? 60%废? 70%废?

朋友乙: 好像你浆废的纸!

谢谢朋友乙帮我回答朋友甲的废问题, 哈哈!

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Merry Christmas 2007

Shhhhhh...the christmas is around the corner...


the santa claus is coming to town...


Merry Christmas to my family and all my friends~

Monday, December 17, 2007

生命没有take 2


生命有没有take 2?




有时的那么一点点, 可以让自己得到很多意想不到的东西

很多时候在想, 如果再一次经历那一个情景, 自己是不是可以做得更好?

在梦里, 我们可以任意调整梦景...





但, 现实却是残酷

没有导演, 只有演员和舞台

剧本好否, 就看自己怎样去演绎

这里也不会有编导, 没有人可以告诉你怎样才算是好剧本


可以做的, 就是不断提醒自己时时刻刻尽己所能做到最好

是不是好演员, 只有自己知道

没有让生命遗憾的就是好演员, 不是吗?

Friday, December 14, 2007

My sis's son son

recently my sis likes to call her son ''son son'' instead of his name

i wonder since when she persists to call him so (-.-'')

she replied she actually just called him 'son' at first,

but he requested her to call him ''son son''

coz it sounds better and that could let people know he's her son (-.-'')

today, i purposely kacao him

''where's your mummy's son son?''

''he's here, right here.'' he pointed himself to me

well, i just can't stop myself from pinching his chubby cute face

he is just very cute until i cannot tahan (>.<'')

Sunday, December 9, 2007


现实里, 不慎跌倒的朋友的反应都会是

"糟糕, 后面有没有认识的人啊?!''



而, 在红馆开唱不小心摔绞的杨千嬅却完美地为自己打圆场


敬佩这种不畏丢脸且道出最基本道理的反应, 囋!


今天的你, 绝对是从昨天努力过来的你!

朋友, 加油! ;)

p/s: 感到欣慰看到重新振作的你! :)

Friday, December 7, 2007

爱 力宏


看到 黄 绿 红 这三种颜色, 就会想起 王 力 宏!

看到麦当劳 i'm lovin' it 的字眼, 也会想起他唱的 我就喜欢 麦当劳广告歌!



因为在masjid jamek那个轻铁站一定会看到它



我就喜欢力宏 :))

(我也是用sony ericsson的电话的^^ )



Sunday, December 2, 2007


说真心话, 你善良吗?

你不知道, 这世界最值得去的角落


其实, 也懒得去管了

反正, 动者恒动, 静者恒静

Friday, November 30, 2007

Wee is my last day

Phew, finally i reach today after the 6-month training ~

Feel like sing a song~

"Happy~It's nice to be happy~Everybody should be happy~"

Wee wEE... ^^

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Please take off your mask


早上, 听到闹钟铃声醒来

然后匆匆地刷牙洗脸更衣, 听到的是自己匆匆的脚步声

出门搭捷运, 听到的变成大众乘客急促的脚步声

又或者, 只听到自己随身听的音乐

到公司了, 听到同事间的互相寒喧, 仰或可以笑翻天的是非八挂

工作了, 听到指示声, 听到电话声, 听到打字声, 听到其他人在自己周围环绕的脚步声

又是午饭时间了, 听到继续可以笑翻天的笑话, 听到似真似假的的流言蜚语, 听到大家嘻嘻哈哈的笑声

放工了, 惯性地听到大众的脚步声, 车龙声, 人潮拥挤喧闹声…

又是时间睡觉了, 可能会在轻音乐的旋律中和周公会面

所以, 今天你听到了自己的声音吗?


Tuesday, November 13, 2007



因为 平凡而不平庸的爱 在心中

Friday, November 9, 2007

Sartin fish's day

Taking LRT to work is a suffering matter

Feel headached when reaching the LRT station that's near my house

What a 'people mountain people sea' everyday, especially the peak hours

When the LRT comes, everyone will be like the sartin fish squeezing into the LRT, no matter how full is inside the LRT, or else they will be late for work

(if the sartin fish can u buy from supermarket got such a plenty of sartin fish inside, congratulations! You get more than what you have paid!)

Sometimes you will come across with those selfish fella who would refuse you from squeezing in eventhough there are still some standing place to fit some more people

perhaps they need more fresh air, thinking the LRT belongs to them and other people need not rush for work)

They will act like a non movable stick banning you from going in

So what, as long as there is a square feet standing place, the passengers at this station will still squeeze in! (provided they are slim enough to fit in)

Just because LRT belongs to everyone!

And everyone can become spiderman sticking their face on the LRT door!Haha

Sometimes i wonder whether the LRT will derail, coz it's so imbalanced with both the 'sel-fish' and sartin fish inside the LRT!

by kennis who's one of the sartin fish


that day when i went back to campus for volleyball friendly match, i was told by my friends about a fighting case among the international students in campus. Then i kept asking the reason, time, location and number of people involved

my friends asked whether i can show no auditor's attitude to them

that day my brother asked me to move some things to the kitchen, my first reaction was asking him: why wor?

after he replied me, i was still asking another why

my brother asked whether i can ask no more why

hmn, the side effect of the training in audit firm huh?

Monday, November 5, 2007

Call them baby

That day, my sister called her 3-year-old daughter to eat something: “Ms. Pei Ying, come over here…”

“I am baby.” my little super lovely niece replied so.

Her lovely answer really surprised all of us in the living room.

Haha, next time please do properly call your kid in their own name. Don’t add honorific to their name simply. They will reject you. :))

Thursday, November 1, 2007








Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Let's call it a day

Frankly, auntie's teh can make my day :D

Frankly, IT department is another department which i visit the most

for cleaning the virus in my pendrive and laptop :-

That day i asked the IT people if he can teach me on cleaning those bugging viruses

so that i won't come and find him so frequently

right after i said ''so that i won't come and find you so frequently''

he answered me instancely with comical facial expression

''choi, zap zhu, i will lose my job then''

sorry, i didn't mean to set you a trap, haha

by kennis who's waiting to call it a day

*p/s: special thanks to my friend who provided me the above pictures